Chicken legs.

What is wrong with this picture you ask?

Put your hand over the top half of this picture. Do these honestly look like legs that belong to a boy? The correct answer to this question is no.

My thoughts: get a nice clean haircut, get some baggier/longer shorts, and eat a hamburger?

Once again we see a return of the “jorts”…only this time they are of a much smaller size. Shorts of this length can be acceptable, but make sure they do not look like leggings.

However, on a girl these shorts would look very cute! (in fact, I think I own a pair just like these!)

Boys, your clothes are supposed to allow you room to breathe!

Want to learn more about “jorts?” Check out this link!

Stick it to the Man!

Pop quiz: which of these three students got dressed in the dark this morning?

If you chose the student in the middle, you are right! He looks very confused as to what he wanted his look to communicate to the world today.

Note: I guarantee you, tie-dye and plaid will NEVER go together. EVER. Sorry, I don’t make the rules..I just abide by them.

I think anyone should see that not only is this pattern mixing wrong, but the colors absolutely do NOT coordinate with each other. The shirt, is full of bright and fun colors, but the shorts are more dark, Fall colors.

Once again, I recommend that if you are unsure what looks okay, keep it simple. Do not try and mix patterns and colors because you will just end up looking like you got dressed by a three-year-old.

Better luck next time!

Boys will be boys.

Spotted this guy at a party dressed like this.

In case you can’t tell, he is wearing an oversized red soccer jersey, with a maroon baseball cap, and nice khaki shorts?

He was either really confused about what to wear to the party, or didn’t pay his electricity bill and was forced to get dressed in the dark.

I try to take it easy on boys, since they never really have known how to dress themselves without the help of a woman…whether it be their mother, sister, girlfriend, etc.

However, they should at least know what matches and what doesn’t! Most boys usually wear plain or striped shirts paired with plain shorts or jeans. There is a reason for that.

If they try to stray from this very simple way of dressing themselves, they end up looking like this.

My advice: pick one style and stick with it. Either you want to look nice and wear a nice shirt with khaki shorts, or athletic shorts with a jersey…but you can’t mix them together! Oh, and maroon and red do NOT match.

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